Sunday, May 5, 2013

MDG 1 - Eradicating Poverty and Hunger

Welcome to my blog! This blog is a complete composition of the work I did for my English 102 project. We were tasked to choose one of the eight Millennium Development Goals as our focus for the semester. I chose eradicating poverty and hunger for mine because I know what it is like to need assistance to make sure you have enough food to last the month. This project starts with a local paper on our issue, so I wrote about hunger in Idaho; what it looks like, who is helping, and what we can do to help. After that, there are two personal writings I did that tie into my MDG; a diary entry from Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and a haiku. Then you will see the brochure of information I created, some pictures that tie in, and the interviews and letters I did for the local and global papers. That will leave the film analysis paper and the global paper, both on poverty and hunger and the impact they have in our world. Last is the final reflection followed by a combined bibliography for all the writing assignments. This project really hit home for me being a single mother dealing with the struggle to make ends meet every month. I hope you enjoy my work over the past few months. I know I enjoyed the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Heather,
    Nice job on your blog. I really like the simplicity of the background and the white is easy to read on the transparent black. Idaho does have a very big increase in families needing assistance to get by every month, hunger is a very big issue all over the world. You are right, Africa does always have the commercials and people always donate to them, but what about those around us who need to the donations themselves? Well done! I really enjoyed your blog.
    Miranda Storey
